Excellent Health Now


The Lifestyle For Excellent Health Program, presented by Danny and Charmaine Vierra was an incredible Success!


On Saturday, Danny Vierra, Wellness Expert and Director of BellaVita Lifestyle Center, presented a series of powerful presentations documenting the dangers of the Standard American Diet (SAD) and How Attitude Affects Your Healing. 

Charmaine Vierra, a 9-year breast cancer survivor, and their son Daniel taught a special health program for the children, making this an incredible health weekend for the whole family.
The children learned how to prevent disease by adding Raw fruits, vegetables, and whole grains to their diet with a variety of Color. Their classes included 2 Cooking Demo's, and were both fun and educational. 


On Sunday, March 11, Danny showed the healing power of a whole plant food diet, and how you can get and stay well without pharmaceutical drugs.
He also taught about disease, its causes, prevention and cure. 


Charmaine, a graduate of the world-renown Living Light Culinary Institute, tantalized our palates with a spectacular raw food demonstration and delicious taste samples... Please see the recipes below!


The events on Saturday and Sunday were filmed, and the DVD's will be available shortly, for $20 per set.  Please contact Heidi Santiago at heidisant@gmail.com to reserve your DVD Copy.  


Thank You for sharing your weekend with us, and learning about how to live a Lifestyle for Excellent Health!


Totally Lit Smoothie

1  Organic Fuji Apple                                1 handful Organic Strawberries             1 handful Organic Blueberries                     
1  Banana                                                1 Orange                                            1 Kiwi
2 TBSP Flaxseed oil                                 2 TBSP Ground Flaxseed                    1 handful RAW Pumpkin seeds
1 Handful RAW Almonds                           1 handful Raw Sunflower seeds             2 -3 stalks Kale
4oz. Organic Whole Apple Juice                1 scoop SuperManna                           Ice to chill or use Frozen Organic Fruit

Blend all ingredients until mixed, but course.

Flax Seed Crackers (DEHYDRATOR NEEDED:  yields 1 ½ trays depending on thickness)
1/3 cup chopped red bell pepper                  2/3 cup sun-dried tomatoes

1 tsp. minced jalapeño                                1/3 cup fresh cilantro or basil, chopped
1 ¼ cup tomatoes, diced                             1 tsp. Celtic sea salt
1 Tbs. olive oil                                            2 cups flax seeds, cover with 2 cups water and let sit 1 hour

Place bell pepper, cilantro, sun-dried tomatoes, tomatoes, jalapeño, garlic, olive oil, and salt into food processor and puree.
Transfer contents into a large bowl and mix in the flax seeds. Spread flax seed mixture onto a solid dehydrator sheet.
Dehydrate at 90 degree for 4 hours (or when top is dry). Transfer them onto a mesh-dehydrating sheet, dehydrate until
crackers are crisp, about 5 more hours.

Mock Salmon 

½ cup Mac Cream  (See Recipe Below; Also used on Raw Pizza)
½ cup red onion, minced                             2 tsp minced garlic 
1/3 cup dill chopped                                   1 ½ cup carrot pulp  
1/8 tsp. Dulse                                            1/3 tsp. Kelp 
2 tsp. ginger, grated 

Mix all ingredients together in a bowl. Spread on flax seed crackers, or wrap in a lettuce leaf.

Live Marinara and Pesto can be served over any type of RAW Pasta.  Raw Pasta is made using Zucchini
or Butternut Squash in a Saladacco or Spiralizer Machine (sold at www.modernmanna.org)

Live Marinara 
(yields 1 ¼ cups)  
7 sundried tomatoes                                    3 medium Organic Tomatoes, quartered(roma tomatoes preferred)
1 lg. clove garlic                                          1 Tbsp. nutritional yeast (large yellow flake, vitamin B12 fortified)
2 TBSP Olive Oil                                          2 Tbsp. raw cashews, soaked, drained and rinsed
¼ cup water                                                small handful fresh Basil Leaves
Blend half the fresh tomatoes with the dried tomatoes along with the garlic, cashews, olive oil, nutritional yeast and
water. Blend until smooth. Add the remaining fresh tomatoes and basil and pulse quickly.  Must not over blend.
Serve over raw zucchini noodles (using Saladaco).
Pesto (Yields 1 cup)  
2 cups de-stemmed basil                              1/2 cup walnuts
2 cloves garlic                                              1/3 cup olive oil
Celtic sea salt and a pinch cayenne to taste

Combine the basil, nuts, and garlic in a food processor and process until it forms a course paste.
Slowly add the olive oil in a steady drizzle and continue to process until it becomes a smooth texture.
Opt. season with salt and cayenne to taste.

Live Pizza Crust (
yields 1 crust) 
1 ½ cup sprouted buckwheat groats (See Instructions Below)
garlic  spices and herbs to taste                      2/3 cup soaked flax seeds
¼ cup olive oil                                                2/3 cup carrot pulp

Put all ingredients in food processor, blend for 1 minute.
Spread onto solid dehydrator sheet making sure to cover sheet without going over edges.
Dehydrate at 99 degrees for 7-8 hours. Transfer to a mesh sheet and dehydrate for another 7-8 hours.
Top with Mac Cream, Bar B’Que sauce and veggies of your choice (peppers, olives, zucchini,
green onion, basil, tomatoes, butternut, cauliflower)
Sprouting Buckwheat Groats
Place 1 cup raw buckwheat groat seeds into a bowl or sprouter. Add 2-3 times as much cool, purified water.
Swish seeds around to assure even water contact for all. 

Allow seeds to soak overnight. Drain off the soak water.
Rinse thoroughly with cool water. Groats create very starchy water; it’s very thick! They won’t sprout well unless
rinsed well, so rinse until the water runs clear.
Drain thoroughly.

You can add to your sprouter at this time or simply put the sprouts in a colander and cover with a towel.
Set out of direct sunlight at room temperature (70 degrees is optimal; if it’s too cold they won’t sprout).
Rinse and drain again in 4-8 hours.  Groats will have 1/8-1/4 inch tails.
Yields approximately 1 ½ cups of sprouts.
Mac Cream (yields 2 cups: 1/2 cup per pizza crust and 1-1 ½ cup per batch of mock salmon)
1 cup raw macadamia nuts                             ½ cup fresh-squeezed lemon juice
1 Tbsp. garlic                                                1 cup raw cashews
1 ½ tsp. Celtic sea salt                                   ¼-1/2 cup water
Blend until creamy.
Bar B’Que Sauce  (yields 1 ¼ cups)
1 cup fresh tomatoes, chopped                       ½ cup sun-dried tomatoes, chopped
¾ tsp. minced jalapeño                                  ½ cup dates pitted/soaked 1 hour
1 tsp. Celtic sea salt                                      ¼ cup chopped white onion
½ tsp. minced garlic                                       4 fresh basil leaves

Blend all ingredients except sun-dried tomatoes and dates.  Blend until smooth, and then add them.


1 ½ c walnuts                                                10-15 pitted dates
1/3 c carob powder                                        ½ tsp vanilla or cherry extract
2 tsp water                                                    ¼ c chopped dried cherry
dash salt

Chop ¼ c walnuts set aside.  Place remaining walnuts in food processor and process until finely ground. 
Add date then process.  Add remaining ingredients.  Pack firmly into a square container.  Top with chopped walnuts. 
Store in Refrigerator.
Carob Mousse 
2 ripe avocados                                           1-2 Tbsp. vanilla extract to taste
20 and pitted dates, soaked  for 2 hours        ¼ cup raw agave nectar
¼  cup raw carob powder                             ½ tsp. cinnamon
1 Tbsp. coconut oil (optional - makes it really creamy with slight coconut flavor-PUT JAR IN WARM WATER TO MELT)
Strawberries, sliced for garnish

Add the avocados, vanilla extract, dates, and agave to your high-speed blender or food processor(A food processor
works better).  As it mixes, slowly add the carob powder, add water to achieve desired consistency.
Then add the coconut oil if using.
It will probably take awhile to blend so be patient. You will need a spatula to scrape down the sides and make sure
that it mixes completely - you don't want any green avocado chunks! Serve and enjoy!


January 24, 2025 at 8:00 PM

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